So, what’s Shelf Stories about anyway?
I’m excited to talk about everything1 in literature that excites me:
Like the subersive nature of the romance genre. Books I can’t stop thinking about. Poetry. Mary Shelley. Thematic roundups of recommended books. Advance reviews. Reviews of books that came out years ago but are still just as incredible. Maybe even some crit lit (I’d never write about Deridda, though, so don’t worry).
There will be whims taken.
Questions asked.
Warm fuzzies given.
And maybe even something about erasure poetry.
Does that sound fun? I hope you’ll join me.
Hi, I’m Stefanie.
Writer, book lover, & French fry connoisseur. I believe in em-dashes, books that raise your seratonin level and staying up until 3 am to find out what happens next in your novel. As an OG under-the-covers flashlight reader, I’m fond of creative nonfiction, contemporary romance, historical fiction and essay collections. I also really enjoy literary fiction, sci-fi and poetry. You can expect to read about a smattering of these genres in Shelf Stories.
I live with my husband, daughter and rescue dog near Detroit, Michigan where I’m currently working on my first novel. When I’m not reading or writing, I like cooking complicated recipes, sending notes to my 40+ pen pals (hi, #penpalooza pals), gardening and learning about plant medicine, listening to records, knitting and binge-watching the Great British Bake-Off. Come say hi to me on Twitter and Instagram.
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These are all ideas that I’m pretty jazzed about right now but are subject to change etc etc.